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YZF Machine For Sensitive Areas + Gift Accessories For the Machine

Picture of YZF Machine For Sensitive Areas + Gift Accessories For the Machine

YZF machine for sensitive areas: We know that there are many people who suffer from hair removal in sensitive areas, so we went where no one else went, enjoy the time of hair removal without wounds.

istinctive machine head design:

  • The teeth of the head are close together, which does not allow the skin to infiltrate and cause wounds.
  • The edges of the head teeth are not sharp, but rather they are twisted so as not to scratch or injure.
  • The moving blade is made of ceramic to reduce the heat generated by friction.
  • Easy to disassemble and install in a few seconds.
  • Cut hair 1 ml for more safety at the time of use.

Why the YZF?

  • IPX6 waterproof standard, you can use the machine under the shower.
  • Specialized motor at 6500 cuts per minute.
  • Low volume for privacy at the time of use.
  • Concussion resistance for greater control when dealing with sensitive areas.
  • The machine head is always available to give you the same efficient performance all the time.
  • Fast charging that lasts up to 60 minutes for a full charge.
  • Charging time is 5 hours.
  • UBS charging that is available everywhere.
  • Easy cleaning by washing it, it is waterproof with IPX6 standard.

Box accessories:

  • YZF machine.
  • 2 pieces to control hair length (3mm&6mm) (9mm&12mm).
  • Fast USB charging cable.
  • Small brush for cleaning.
  • A small box to put the oil.
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