Before you get started with your first delivery, make sure to update your account information and upload any required documents.
Now that you’ve completed your account, these next few steps will show you how to place your first order. Start by filling out your pick up location(s).
Then, start by adding your first product. Make sure you fill all the required information.
To place your first order, your wallet needs to be topped up with the required amount. Not sure of the amount? Double check by using our Shipping Calculator tool.
That’s it! You’re all set, you can now add your first shipment!
Dukhoon sounds like a delightful addition to any home! Bakhoor, with its rich and traditional roots, can transform a space. Crafted with a blend of natural essences, it releases a soothing fragrance slowly and evenly. Ideal for aromatherapy, it enhances your mood and promotes relaxation.